Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Construction of a Rock Garden

Once you choose the site of your rock garden, select the rocks you want to use and have the soil prepared, you are ready to start construction. The first question you might as is when is the best time of year to make a rock garden? The rocks and soil may be handled at any time except when the ground is frozen, but the summer months offer the longest period of freedom from planting rush, and then the soil is dry and easily handled.

Then there will be autumn rains to make the soil firm and winter frost to settle the rocks and planting can best be done the following spring. The first thing you need to do is to dig off the existing topsoil (the first foot of earth) and remove the roots of all weeds and grasses. Much of this soil may be used in backfilling if all roots are sifted out. On this base the large bulky rocks should be laid, each packed around with soil, well rammed, and topped by several chinker stones, large water features, outdoor fountains, or garden statuary before the next are put into place.

As the program for procedure has already been arranged, the work of laying up the rocks can proceed. Now is the time to worry over the details of the outline of the structure. You may have decided the general shape of the area in advance and may even have a plan at hand to give the principal elevations and major masses. However, you must decide the details of the shape of each crag and ravine as the rock garden is being constructed.

The aim is to give the greatest variety in configuration in a small compass, with an appearance of geologic truth and yet make the best possible home for each plant. For the best growth of many rock plants it is well to separate the groups by little walls of stones, outdoor water features, garden statuary or large fountains, making a pocket for each. Not only are they thus separated, but the plant roots will follow down the cool rock faces and withstand the rigors of summer and winter more safely.

These pockets vary in size and shape, slope and relation to the sun, thus giving infinite variety in detail to the face of the garden. It would be best that the planting for each area be fairly definite in mind as the pockets are constructed. Though a detailed planting plan for a rock garden cannot be made on paper, the general arrangement of the plants should be decided as the construction proceeds. Surface drainage is another worry at the time of construction.

Most of the rock garden has sufficient slope to carry off excess rain. Too often the little valleys become canyons worn by cloudbursts, when soil and plants are washed away. This must be foreseen and prevented by the laying of the stones. Some of the valleys should have deeper hollows to hold rain for a time, or employ the use of large waterfalls, a patio fountain, or wall fountains, for such rock plants as Primroses and Gentians like their roots well watered.

Actual watering of a rock garden is rarely needed, for with correct construction and proper planting the vegetation will withstand any normal dry season. Sub-irrigation is possible, and at time of construction perforated water pipe or porous drain tiles may be laid among the rocks, about a foot below the finished surface, the upper end to be connected to the water supply for an hour or more in extreme dry weather.

Recommend : Smeg Fridge

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Starting a Lawn Mowing Business - How to Build Your Own Successful Lawn & Garden Business in 30 Days

Starting a Lawn Mowing Business, or "How To Build Your Own Successful Lawn and Garden Business in 30 Days"

If you are considering starting your own Lawn and Garden Maintenance Business, then the quickest way to establish a constant, regular and solid income is in Garden Makeovers.

"Garden Makeovers" is a term that describes the type of Gardening work you can offer your prospective customers.

This type of work can include all (or a mix of) the following:
Lawn mowing and lawn care
Trim plants, shrubs and hedges
Weed garden areas and paved areas
Supply and plant shrubs and trees
Supply and install mulch and recycled tree chips
Under-prune (raise canopies) of trees
Remove rubbish and green waste
Vacuum and clean all paved areas (for example, car-park areas in commercial properties)
Re-establish garden beds with new soil and compostNow when you are quoting or estimating this kind of work you need to understand that the degree of difficulty in quoting is entirely different to quoting for a lawn mowing job.

With a Garden Makeover you are quoting on a list of many jobs. Based on this, many contractors (especially Lawn Mowing ones) do not bother to quote because it's just too hard and complicated.

Smart business operators will capitalize on this and quote for the Garden Makeovers. Usually the prospect will take the first quote that comes in because it usually is the only quote they can get (keeping in mind the other contractors are either lazy to do quotation or the garden makeover quotation is just too complicated to do.

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Protecting Your Garden From Rabbits - Alternatives to Repellents and Fencing

Wild rabbits thrive in almost every area of North America. They can live in a variety of habitats as long as they have food and an abundance of natural cover to hide and nest. Unfortunately in suburban areas, their food may include the flowers in your yard or vegetables in your garden.

Surrounding your property with a rabbit fence is probably not practical. The alternative to fencing is usually a commercial or homemade repellent. There are a variety to choose from and they can be very effective. They do, however, have their limitations. If you are trying to protect a very large area, repellents may quickly become cost-prohibitive.

There are still other alternatives to fencing and repellents. Several companies now manufacture a motion-activated sprinkler that is extremely easy to use. It is a relatively new product on the market and it has turned out to be a very effective method to scare rabbits and other animals away before they do damage to your yard.

Installation is simple. You attach the sprinkler to a hose, stick the sprinkler in the ground in the area you want to protect, turn on the water and let the sprinkler guard the area. When a rabbit, deer, dog, cat, groundhog or any other animal approaches and comes within range of the sprinkler's motion-activated sensor, it starts pulsing a spray of water for 3 seconds that frightens the animal away with its sudden activation.

Most devices cover quite a large area, up to 1000 square feet, and users who have purchased the device online have provided rave reviews about its effectiveness.

Another alternative to fencing, repellents and sprinklers is trapping and relocating the rabbit or other animal. This may be the simplest and most effective method of all. You are essentially removing the culprit from your area eliminating the need to try to protect your yard or garden.

It is also a very humane solution to the problem. You can easily trap wild rabbits using a well-positioned Havahart live animal trap. They are available in a variety of styles and sizes for many different animals.

To attract rabbits, you can use any one of their favorite foods including lettuce, carrots, brussel sprouts or apples. Havahart also recommends spraying the inside of the trap with apple cider for better results. Many people who have had success trapping rabbits also suggest that peanut butter can also be used as an effective bait.

Once captured, you can relocate the animals far enough from your home so they do not return. Before trapping and relocating any live animals, you should check with your state and game officials regarding local regulations in your area.

See Also : Sympathy Plants Commercial Heaters

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Affordable Garden Tools Can Be High Quality

If you're like my husband, along about February you start getting itchy fingers to get out there and dig in the dirt planting a garden. It's easy to get spring gardening fever after being cooped up indoors during the winter months. He'll pull out the old gardening tools and try to clean them and get them ready to go. That's when he'll remember that the rake head falls off every time he uses the rake or the handle broke on the spade. All of a sudden, he's in the market for new tools, but the prices can come as a shock.

If you've been to your local gardening center in February or March, you've noticed that they already have their garden tools on display just getting ready for all the people who are working themselves into a gardening frenzy. However, as excited as they are about gardening, the prices of the tools can be a little over budget. What you need to do is find a way to buy the affordable garden tools you need.

Start out by shopping at your usual stores, even if they haven't advertised any bargains. Ask a store manager if there are going to be any upcoming sales on the items you're looking for. You could find out that the tools you want will be marked down next week. If you don't ask, you could end up buying tools today that will be much cheaper next week. Doesn't it just burn you when that happens!

Try the Discount Stores

Even if you don't make a habit of shopping at stores like discount houses, dollar stores, and outlets, you should give them a try. A lot of times they will have new merchandise that was left over from last gardening season, but at a lot better prices than "new" merchandise. Who's going to know or care if you're using last season's garden tools?

Used items can also be a good buy. Do a little looking around and see what you can find. So what if they're a little dirty? You can always clean them up, and, who knows, you may have found a treasure in the rough.

You can have a lot of fun shopping at garage sales and flea markets. Not only will they have a lot of unique items for sale, you can also find the garden tools you need at exceptional prices. Most often if you find something you like, the seller will be willing to bargain a little bit. You never know what kind of deal you could end up.

If you can find a sale at a home where a shopaholic lives, you may well have hit pay dirt. Some people are compulsive shoppers that will buy something just because it's a good deal, even though they already have three more at home. Eventually they will have a sale of their excess because they've run out of room. You can find affordable garden tools in their castoffs.

Related : Goose Pillows

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Home Vegetable Gardening - It's All About the Compost

Compost is the process of organic material breaking down into a rich dark black soil through the process of aerobic decomposition. Bacteria and other microorganisms feed on this organic material which breaks it down. Then as you move up the food chain other creatures such as the earthworm and nematodes, either eat the bacteria or the decomposed material creating even better compost.

The underlying environment is so advanced that it can take your left over food scraps, grass clippings, twigs and leaves and turn them into every nutrient your vegetable plants will ever need. The best part of this ecosystem is that it is already there and the only thing you need to do is supply it with an organic food source (more on that in a moment).

The most common form of composting is a compost pile. This is where you keep a pile of organic material such as leaves, twigs and grass clippings (to name a few). As the bacteria and microorganisms breakdown the material the center of the pile starts to heat up. When the temperature reaches a level that will make it harmful to good bacteria (usually around 150degrees) you then turn the pile over to bring fresh material to the center and the process starts over. You continue this until all of the material is broken down into a dark rich looking soil. From there you can mix it right in with your soil, brew compost tea, or add more organic material and keep the process going until you have the amount of compost you need.

An excellent second way to create compost is through creating vermicompost. Vermicompost, also called worm castings, is when earthworms eat organic material and their waste is what is leftover, creating the best compost your soil could have. The best organic materials you can feed to earthworms are your food scraps and leftovers. I find it easiest to simply dig a hole in my garden about eighteen inches deep and dump the food scraps into the hole, then cover the hole with dirt. The worms and the underlying ecosystem take care of the rest.

Of course this method makes it impossible to use the vermicompost to brew compost tea and if that is what you are looking for then your best bet is to maintain a vermicompost bin also known as a worm box or worm farm. You can make one yourself for fewer than fifteen bucks with a couple of Rubbermaid containers or you can buy one from your local home or garden center.

You simply add in food scraps, a little soil and of course worms. Then when the food scraps have all been ingested by the worms you remove the vermicompost, brew your tea, and add it to your soil or whatever your heart desires. You can repeat this process all year round, unless of course you run out of food scraps. As you can see it is fairly easy to make your own compost. If you are willing to put in the time and effort, you can add nutrients to your soil that will yield better harvests for your fruits and vegetables.

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Container Gardening Should Include The Herbal Plant Scented Geraniums

Planting an herbal garden that includes scented geraniums is not common to container gardening. Most gardeners think of scented geraniums as a floral plant, not an herbal plant but the species, called pelargonium, is an herb with many uses. This delightful herb has many different aromas and gorgeous colors to delight your senses. The scented geranium is best used in container gardening for two reasons. One, you can control the soil and moisture, and two you can bring it indoors when a frost is imminent.

The scented geranium was found in Africa in the 1600's and shipped to England where it became most popular. The gardener of King Charles I grew a variety of scented geraniums in the royal greenhouse. The Victorians thought they were geraniums rather than an herbal plant but if you look at their asymmetrical leaves you can see the difference between scented geraniums and regular geraniums.

The scented geranium is truly a herbal plant for all seasons. It grows and has a lovely aroma throughout the spring and summer and when the chilly winds of autumn threaten this sturdy herbal plant will gladly co-exist inside with you. Nothing could be better when container gardening includes scented geranium with their exquisite flowers, lovely scented leaves, and sturdy characteristics for year round enjoyment of your senses.

True to their name scented geraniums come in a multitude of fragrances. Seemly, the favorite is the rose scented geranium but others are gaining popularity quickly. Some of the more robustly planted are the apple scented, peppermint scented, wood, like cedar or balsam, nutmeg and citronella (also know as the mosquito buster.) You can plant a whole container garden with this one type of plant and have a beautiful diversity. Their leaves alone will contrast interestingly to give you a spectacular container garden. The tiny smooth leaves of the nutmeg scented geranium, or Lady Mary, to the large musk scented leaves of the Lady Plymouth.

The rose scented geraniums are gaining popularity for calming and are increasingly used in mediation and for healing purposes. The plant truly releases a delicious rose scent when rubbed against or crushed. Just brush the leaves to release their scent or make a soothing rose geranium tea to help you relax.

There are many culinary uses for the scented geranium to delight your taste buds. Chop up the leaves and mix with your other favorite herbs such as chives or chervil or thyme to make interesting flavored butters or dips and spreads. A really clever way to use the leaves is to line a baking pan when making pies, puddings or cakes to impart a wonderful flavor to your desserts. Use them for desserts, syrups or custards for another unique flavor. You can even make flavored sugar by layer dry, fresh leaves with sugar. Let them sit a few days, remove the leaves and store the sugar in an air tight container. This can be used in teas, baking goods, or as a sugar scrub. They are delightful in baths and infused in water to rinse your hair.

The scented geranium is a great as a room freshener or added to potpourri. Try adding some to your vacuum bag or put them in a mesh bag and add them to your dryer for a new fresh scent for your clothes.

Scented geraniums are grown from cuttings taken from the mother plant. Cut three to four inches just above a leaf. Strip the lower leaves off and place in a rooting medium, such as a mix of sphagnum peat moss. Place your cutting in bright light and keep it moist. When roots have been established it is time to place it in your container garden. Make sure the soil is porous and fast draining.

When the scented geranium is indoors it is necessary to feed it once a week to ensure full leaf growth. Pinching back the plant not only encourages bushy growth but releases a delicious aroma into the air. Keep the soil evenly damp; do not over water them as this will kill them. They can come back from overly dry situations but not wet ones.

Now it is time to add this multi-talented plant to your container garden. Just one word of caution, once you get to know the scented geranium your herbal garden will never be without it.

Copyright © Mary Hanna, All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

My Links : Vacuum Cleaner Store. LOWER Prices in Same Item

Monday, August 23, 2010

Landscaping Designs For Beautiful Gardens

Landscaping and turning a garden into a thing of pride and beauty need no longer be a chore.

To look out into a garden and see eye catching designs is a wonderful feeling, but to know that you have done those designs yourself is the ultimate in personal satisfaction.

If you like doing things in the garden and have areas in it that you just do not know what to do with, but would love to have a feature of some sort there, like a water fountain, or a rockery, but you know it will cost an arm and a leg to employ a professional, and you just cannot spare the money at the present time, then I would suggest you begin right now researching for an eBook totally designed for landscaping.

There are a myriad of these on the market and most but not all are extremely knowledgeable and very easy to follow.

The only warning I would impose on you is to make sure it was designed by a true professional gardener.

If you go this road of the eBook then you will be getting fantastic ideas and designs which have all been set down from experience and implementation.

You will find sections on seasonal flowers and shrubs which will keep your garden looking beautiful all year round.

You will see easy to follow patterns and designs from which you can choose whatever you think will enhance the garden.

There are no limitations on the amount of changes you can make simply because you will have the eBook at your fingertips at all times.

You can change any shape or pattern to fit exactly into the space you have available simply by taking the measurements from the design and checking them out in your available space.

You are in control of how you want your garden to look instead of having to go with someone else's ideas.

This also saves you a fortune, because you are not hiring in professional help.

You can find out more very valuable information just by clicking on below now.

Thanks To : Kettles Store. LOWER Prices in The Same Item Hot Glue Gun

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Virtual Vacuums - Twittering in Silence

Pathos has become the major crippling disease of the soul of western civilization. Particularly in America, our obsessive pursuit of individual excellence - the 'lone ranger' embarking on the rigid and strenuous path of advancement - has led to the slow but certain destruction of real community and family, as the final bell tolls for their imminent demise. And what are the symptoms of this disease?

Having fought so hard to realize our nonspecific quest for individual freedom at any cost, we have inadvertently created a 'virtual' world enabling us to remain unfettered and unscathed by the fleshiness of real personal contact and relations. The real world gone, self-directed and self-enclosed, we safeguard our lunacy, our anonymity, our unspoken weaknesses and our unsightly blemishes. Our longing has created its perfect match; a pathetic, substitute world in which we call unseen strangers 'friends' and collect electronic 'followers' to 'tweet' while we engage in highly cultivated and dissembling displays of 'honesty' and self-disclosure.

And all of this activity is generated with the sole purpose (unbeknownst to us) of giving our lives a sense of importance, of sharing, of community, of the relationality that is genuinely missing from our real world experience. We have achieved the ultimate in self-possessed independence, so much so that we now yearn unconsciously for the 'connection' that we worked so diligently to "free" ourselves of in the first instance.

We share our daily goings-on, our clumsy missteps and our secret intimacies with those who would be watching us - our friends and followers. We are all voyeurs and exhibitionists seeking the thrill of connectivity without the weighty consequences of real life community.

We are pathetic in our desperate outreach, our selfish grasping for attention, for recognition, for acceptance (you have more friends/followers than me!). And yet, at the same time these 'tweets' (or more appropriately - twerps) have the nerve, the gall, to speak about the lack of human communication in life. Imagine, they cannot communicate with others in their world, so they invent a world of co-communicators to complain about the lack of communication.

And all of this is then followed by various dispensations of folk wisdom and other idiocies - proverbs and anecdotes about correct behavior, how to be happy and successful, to how communicate, how to love, and how to get more followers; as well as loftier topics like the good, the right, the true and, of course, the Tao. They welcome one another with good morning wishes and good nights.

Then again, perhaps this betrays a deeper pathos, our discomfort with the natural silence that surrounds us. And so, rather than abide such silence, we prefer to fill it up with any noise just to hide our distress. And while it may provide us with an illusion of meaningful discourse, and the vague comfort of fitting-in, it really does nothing of the kind. In fact, such 'communication' becomes a malicious sham - to keep us from focusing on our own disaffection and loneliness - so that we fail to appreciate the pleasure of silence in recovering ourselves from this culturally-imposed estrangement, and hearkening again to that authentic, faintly, wild voice within.

Finally, all of these friends and followers of ours have very clever names or descriptions of themselves: 'philosopher on the loose,' 'geniusartistic,' 'biomodern magician,' 'intuitioneer,' 'discerner of archetypes,' 'racialicious,' 'americansatori,' 'cardiotonic psychedelia.' Oh! You who believe you are free and free-associating as you please. You are just following the protocols of those manufacturers of post-modern experience who pull the strings and make you dance. All I have to say is good night 'tweets' - sleep tight.

Friends Link : Compare Price Store

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Organic Garden Pest Control - The 5 Best Tips to Keep Your Garden Bug Free Without Strong Chemicals

Organic gardens are not without some of the drawbacks that every garden has. One of these drawbacks are various kinds of pests.

In a conventional garden you fight these pests in a different way than in your organic garden. In an ordinary or non organic garden strong chemicals are regularly used to fight the pests. These chemicals harm every living thing, including plants, good bugs (yes there are plenty!), your soil and you and your family, as well as accumulating and trickling down into the ground water.

Organic Garden Pest Control 1: Manual removal
This is by far the easiest and cheapest way, but not applicable to all kinds of pests. Go out into your garden in the early morning and in the evening, and pick by hand all the bugs you can see eating away on your precious plants, like for example aphids and lily beetles. Squash them or put them in a container with soapy water.

Step 2: Organic Garden Pest Control with solutions to spray
A simple way to fight bugs is to suffocate them with soapy water. Just mix 1 dl of natural soap with 1 liter of water, then pour into a spray bottle and spray away at your plants. Make sure you cover the whole plant with the mixture, and repeat now and then to get rid of the bugs that subsequently hatch.

Usually kills of both aphids and spider mites, but sometimes the latter ones are a bit difficult.

A mixture of 2-3 garlic cloves, 3-4 large chili peppers and 2 tablespoons of some vegetable oil, blended well in your blender, then strained and added to 1 liter of water plus 1 tablespoon of natural soap (or dishwashing soap) makes a stronger homemade solution for fighting bugs. When spraying this on your plants, avoid spraying during mid day or in really hot weather, because that may harm the leaves on your plants by burning them.

This scares away most animal pests in your garden, even mice and moles if you spray near their holes. There is one major back draw with both of these remedies though: They will get rid of the good insects as well, which leads us to

Organic Garden Pest Control 3: Biological pest control Let the good bugs do the job!
The ladybug is very efficient, it eats plenty of aphids (and is pretty to watch!). Lacewings and praying mantis are also good at this, and can be lured into your garden by plants that attract them. You can also buy these good bugs or other parasites (that is, parasitic on your pests) to establish an ecological balance among your garden bugs. These bugs or parasites can be bought in egg sacks or live, and are very efficient and a really environmentally friendly way to pest control.

Step 4: Organic Garden Pest Control by Growing Scary Plants
That is, the only ones to get scared are the of course the bugs! Onions planted together with your carrots will deter the carrot root fly from eating away at your carrots. Plant lavender along your garden path and smell the fragrance when you pass by... Marigold are lovely when planted amongst your veggies in your vegetable garden, and can of course be a part of any flower bed, there are so many varieties to choose from.

Also, it is very important to keep your plants strong and vigorous by making sure they get enough nutrients and grow in a healthy soil. Then they will be able to better withstand attacks from various pests.

Step 5: Organic Garden Pest Control by Spreading Mineral Dust
Not any old dust will do however, it has to be Diatomaceous earth, which will penetrate the hard exoskeleton of insects like ants, fleas or small beetles. This will cause them to dry out. Spread a thin layer of the mineral on the ground, and repeat after heavy rain or watering.

Extra tip for hollyhocks! Hollyhocks often suffer from fungus attacks causing the leaves to become all reddish brown and then fall off. The plant itself usually survives, but it looks terrible with the naked stem and the flowers at the top. But here is a remedy for this nuisance:

Boil a kettle full of horsetail and water to cover for 10 minutes at the least. Strain, and then dilute the solution 5 to 10 times with water. Use this diluted fluid to spray your hollyhocks, and don't forget to spray under the leaves.

The best of luck with keeping pests off and your plants healthy and beautiful!

Thanks To : Outdoor Candle

Friday, August 20, 2010

Garden Tips: Landscaping with Stones

A patio or a garden is a place where you expect to find comfort and peace, a place where you want to bring the nature closer to you, especially if you live in a city. For this purpose, you should symbolize the relation between nature and human, by using natural elements like stones or water. Landscaping with stones is the solely and the most at hand solution. If you intend to bring nature as close as possible, then the best option is definitely represented by the landscaping with stones, be it the case of water stones or regular, mountain stones.

What stones do is to bring completion to the process of creating a relaxing, comfortable and charming environment. Besides the plants or the small waterfalls, a beautifully organized landscaping with stones is sure to augment the value and the beauty of the space. The more precious the stones you're using, the more valuable can your propriety become.

If arranged correctly and with the help of a professional designer, your stone arrangements are sure to make a blast, a fantastic impression on the viewer and on your visitors. A skillful organization of the stones brings out that feeling of freshness, of peace and calm. Landscaping with stones, also named 'hardscape', requires great skills of organization, especially if the space doesn't allow you too much.

For this reason, the best job can be done by a specialist in this field, by a person who knows how to integrate and how to combine all the natural elements, be it the case of plants, trees and/or stones. A professional knows exactly what to place where and how to combine the components in order to attain your purpose. Therefore, I advise you not to begin constructing and decorating the landscaping with stones, unless you have previously had a meeting with a designer.

The amount of stone that you want to use in the decoration of your house depends on several things. In the first place, it depends on how much time and money you are willing to spend with the landscaping with stone. Some people keep it simple and decorate with stone only the driveway entrance, while others prefer a more rustic atmosphere by landscaping with stone almost every inch of their garden or they even go inside the house.

In the second place, it depends on what type of environment you want to create when landscaping with stones, because some prefer a simpler, a more modest, not too crowded places. In this case, they choose to use only a small quantity of stones.

The answer to this question is simple: anywhere you like. Most prefer the landscaping with stones in their patios, due to the fact that it is an open space and the stones seem natural outdoors. The patios are, in fact, what connect the interior to the exteriors, thus creating a bond between the house and the landscaping. The landscaping with stones actually creates outdoor living spaces, spaces that become familiar and relaxing. More extravagant people prefer decorating their entire house with stones. This landscaping with stones is therefore a matter of preference and choice when it comes to the amount of stones used. Some use stones only in their outdoor spaces, other use them everywhere, from their living-rooms to their bathrooms or balconies. You can use stones to decorate the walls, the paths in your garden, the interior or the exterior columns, for the outbuilding or in the water gardens.

An important aspect in the landscaping with stones is represented by the colors and by the shapes of the stones that you choose according to your desired style and imagination. For all these you should just consult a professional expert in this field.

Related : Dualit Kettle Hot Glue Gun

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Landscape Garden: One Amateur Gardener's Personal Story

If you have any bit of a green thumb at all, sooner or later you will learn some very valuable lessons in the landscape garden. My husband and I learned these lessons one summer when we decided to add a water feature to an existing garden area.

Landscape garden lesson number one - while massive oak trees may be a beautiful covering over a water garden, they can make it difficult to dig proper sized hole for the water pond. When putting in the water feature, my husband dug and dug for what seemed like hours to make a hole big enough for the pond.

To make matters worse, just as he neared the end of the digging, he encountered a huge root from one of the massive oak trees. Determined he wasn't going to dig another hole, he sawed at the root until he got enough of it cut away that the pond would fit in the hole flush with the ground.

Landscape garden lesson number two - always line your pond hole with sand to allow for proper leveling of the water pond. We learned this after we placed the pond in the hole and then backfilled around it. After we finished and stepped back to admire our work we began to notice something a little strange, the pond had settled to one side and was obviously crooked. We later found this wouldn't have happened if we had lined the whole properly.

Landscape garden lesson number three - this one showed up during a sudden summer storm. We had chosen a tall fountain for the pond and hadn't anchored it very well, so the wind blew it over. Luckily we didn't have any fish in our pond yet because the displaced fountain pumped all of the water out of the pond onto the ground. Oh well, it gave us a chance to level up the pond.

Landscape garden lesson number four - if you add any dirt to your garden, be careful where you get it from, it may contain unwanted plants. We learned this lesson a few weeks after we finished our water feature. As a finishing touch, we had decided to add a waterfall to our water garden. We didn't have quite enough dirt to build up the waterfall high enough, so we borrowed a little dirt from a freshly plowed pea field.

We mulched the area and added walkway lights and stepping stones around the pond with a comfortable bench nearby. During the course of that first summer, I started noticing some strange plants coming up around the water garden. I'd never seen them before, so I called my husband to identify them. They were peas! Apparently the dirt we'd taken from the edge of the field had already been sown with seed, and now we had peas growing around our water garden.

These are just a few of the lessons we learned during our first attempt at a landscape garden. Hopefully by sharing a few of our goofs, you can avoid making the same mistakes when you decide to create a landscape garden of your own.

Thanks To : Massage Chairs Store. LOWER Prices in Same Item Wall Graphic

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Look to Cleaning Companies For Daily and Spring Cleaning Needs

It is worthwhile to consider encouraging staff to complete a spring clean of the office At the same time as one of your cleaning companies does a full shampoo of carpet in the office, or other work premises.

Cleaning companies generally do an excellent job when they complete the after hours cleaning on any premises. The cleaning companies are well equipped with good quality machinery and experienced staff so that you can be assured that carpet cleaning is effective and premises will present well each morning. Depending on staff numbers some businesses will elect to do the office cleaning themselves but the reality is that they are not properly equipped to do a thorough job. Companies surveyed have also advised that while initially it was thought that in-house cleaning would be adequate they soon realised that staff delegated to do these jobs were not happy about it, and more often than not did not do a proper job.

One company surveyed made the mistake of asking a junior receptionist who was well liked and a fast learner, to take on the office cleaning as opposed to outsourcing this to one of a number of cleaning companies. The upshot of this decision was the loss of a valuable member of the staff, and disquiet amongst the remaining team that this girl had left the company.

While management had thought that delegating the office cleaning was an excellent way to cut costs they had failed to consider the longer term repercussions and the cost of staff replacement and training when the junior receptionist resigned. Rather than being faced with this situation businesses are better off using the services of cleaning companies to regularly clean the offices, dust down, and vacuum. But the big advantage is in the heavy duty shampooing gear that cleaning companies have available to them to do a full and thorough shampoo of the carpeted area in any premises. This prompts staff to have a "spring clean" in that the need to remove everything from the floor area highlights just how much "stuff" staff accumulate which is simply out of date or no longer serving any useful purpose.

Often staff will hold on to old diaries and files that they no longer refer to but they sit unattended and collect dust as well as look untidy in the office area. Encourage staff to cull their personal work stuff at the same time cleaning companies come into the workplace to shampoo carpets so that the office looks much tidier and spruced up once staff have thrown out old files and the like and carpets are cleaned - no stains or marks, looking just like brand new.

It will only take half an hour or so of staff time to rid the office of a lot of unwanted files and paper. We are all hoarders by nature and paper and files can build up very quickly around a desk. Keeping diaries, boxed files from 5 years ago is a waste of valuable office space and drags down the office environment generally. Use the opportunity of a carpet shampoo to really spring clean and reap the benefits.

Recommend : Buy Cheap Water Heaters | LOWER Prices

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Gardening Tools Such As Cordless Hedge Trimmers

Technology has advanced to the point that almost everything can be wireless, including gardening tools like cordless hedge trimmers. This makes gardening or just about anything else easier when it's wireless.

The term wireless is most often seen when it comes to electronics, but in reality it can be used for anything that is run on a battery, rechargeable batteries, or solar powered. This means that with a bit of research you can find just about anything that will run wireless.

Gardening tools that are not gas powered are often a bit nicer and easier to use for home gardening use. In fact, unless you have a huge landscaping issue, most of the jobs around your property will be able to be done with the wireless type.

The only time that you'll need to pack around the gasoline or diesel type of gardening tools is if you need a whole bunch of power and even then, the cordless type will work, just be a little slower.

Cordless garden tools are available in just about any type of powered gardening tool, such as hedge trimmers, weed eaters, pruners, and of course there are even electric lawn mowers. All of these types of tools are going to be significantly lighter in weight then the other type, and this can mean safer.

Many of the gas powered trimmers and hedgers are going to be too heavy to be used safely by most people, so there is a wide variety of the lighter weight ones available. Talk to a garden supply store or look online and read about the power tool before you purchase as safety is always an issue with any type of power tool, even the cordless ones.

You can find out all of the information on the tool, they often will list the weight, the length and width in the description. This means you'll know how cumbersome the tool is, and often can figure out if it's too heavy for you. You'll also find reviews concerning the use of the tool and this can be very informative.

Also, don't forget to follow safety precautions with all power tools, this usually means a good set of goggles, gloves and a hat. Flying debris is dangerous and without proper protection you can be injured quickly.

If you do not or are having trouble with the item in questions, seek out help. This can be in the form of someone in landscaping who uses the tools on a regular basis, someone at your garden supply store, or look into your local gardening clubs for help.

Wireless gardening tools are available in just about every variety, from those that are cordless hedge trimmers to those that are recharged by solar energy. Make sure you're purchasing a cordless garden tool that you can handle and remember, safety first. Take the time to read all the reviews online about a tool so you can see where people have trouble and where they have found the tool to work out great and follow all safety precautions.

My Links : Home Owner Insurance Electric Infrared Heater

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wood Outdoor Garden Furniture - Cleaning Tips That Help

Wood outdoor garden furniture is one of the best-loved accessories used to add function and beauty to any ordinary garden. Regardless of shape and form, wood has the ability to pull your garden theme together with its natural look. This is the reason why it is essential to maintain your wood garden furniture.

These wooden outdoor garden furniture are usually treated for the purpose of withstanding open air condition including weather and garden dirt. This does not mean though that you do not have to maintain them. Proper cleaning procedures can definitely increase the lifespan and beauty of your wood furniture. You should clean yours at least twice a year.

Wooden outdoor garden furniture can come in different types of wood. It should therefore go without saying that certain pieces require special cleaning procedures. The first step you should follow is to therefore look at product instructions for cleaning. Most manufacturers will include instructions or will at least provide the appropriate information to sales and customer service staff. Before you even pay for your furniture, make sure you ask what the appropriate steps for cleaning are.

Furthermore, there are also important points you need to consider. If a manufacturer offers no input on furniture cleaning, you may have to follow these. If your furniture is made of genuine hardwood, these steps will not damage or harm your furniture.

The first is using dry cleaning method. Take out your wood outdoor garden furniture and thoroughly brush it. Go for a soft brush or one without abrasives. Some suggest using a vegetable brush or a dental brush. Work your way through every crevice and through the underside of your furniture. Once you are done, hose down your piece of furniture to dislodge dirt that you may have missed.

The next step requires a mix of mild detergent soap and water. There are also some soap products that are specifically made for wood furniture and you may consider using these instead. Use an ordinary cleaning foam or cloth to wipe the solution over your furniture. Some furniture owners test a soap solution first on a small portion of wood to check if there are any negative reactions. Rinse the soap with water from a hose.

The next step after rinsing is to wipe the wood dry with a soft, clean cloth. Remove as much moisture as possible and then leave your furniture out to dry. Once it is completely dry, you may want to re-coat it with protective wood oil or treatment. If you have teak furniture, there are treatment products that are specially designed for coating teak after cleaning.

Homeowners should understand that maintaining their wooden furniture should not just start and end with cleaning it. While in use, make sure it has appropriate covering to protect it from the sun and rain. Wooden pieces should also not be left on wet surfaces. Doing so could quickly lead to molding and rotting. Finally, wood furniture for the outdoors should always be stored away from the snow and cold during the winter season.

With proper cleaning and maintenance, wood outdoor garden furniture can last for years. You have a huge responsibility though to make sure it does. Proper cleaning and maintenance procedures are the keys to beautiful, long lasting wood furniture.

My Links : TV Stand Store. LOWER Prices in The Same Item

Sunday, August 15, 2010

How to Scale, Fillet, Skin and Freeze Fish

When cleaning fish it's important to decide if you will scale or skin the fish as well as choosing to fillet the fish or simply gut and remove the head, tail and fins. Smaller fish may not be suited for filleting but most larger fish can easily be filleted in order to provide high quality boneless meals. Skinning the fish and trimming any dark meat can further raise the quality of your meal.

Prior to filleting fish, select the proper knives and check their edge. Sharpen and clean the blade if needed. For very large fish, a thick blade may be necessary to cut the skin. Once the tough outer skin is cut, it may be necessary to switch to a flexible fillet knife. Never use a knife to scale fish, instead use a fish scaler or an old kitchen knife that is dull and no longer useful for cutting.

To fillet fish, first scale the fish well (if using the skin-on method) and rinse thoroughly. Lay the fish out flat and make a cut along the top side of the fish, from the head to the tail. Follow the skeleton, cutting as close to the bones as possible. Make vertical cut just behind the gills, angled to match the gill plate. Continue slicing downward, working from top to bottom until the fillet is free from the carcass. Repeat the process for the remaining side of the fish.

If the fish will be skinned, lie the fillet down flat, skin side down. Using a SHARP fillet knife, make a cut from the tail section towards the front using a slicing motion. Continue working forward, parallel to the skin. A clean skinning process should not be wasteful, but will leave a thin layer of dark meat on the skin.

Fish should always be kept cold! Store fish in an iced cooler and clean them right away after your trip. Fillets will be best if rinsed, placed in zipper bags and placed back on ice immediately after cleaning.

For small panfish, filleting may not be practical. Just as with filleted fish, scaling is the first step of the process. While holding the fish firmly with one hand, use the tool to remove all scales. You must run the scaler or knife from tail to head in order to get the scales off. The skin should be smooth when all scales are gone.

Next, cut the fish's head off. make the cut at the back of the fish's gills. Cut through at this point. Make a cut from the belly back to the vent, avoiding all organs. Remove all organs, saving the fish roe if any is found. Cut off the tail and fins. Rinse the fish and place on ice immediately.

Don't want to waste anything? You can use kitchen shears and remove the gills from the head, then rinse the head, skeleton, skin and scraps of dark meat for use in making a delicious fish stock. Any parts not used can be added to a compost pile. Fish scraps are excellent sources of minerals and other nutrients for your garden.

Vacuum bags are an excellent choice if you plan to freeze part of your catch. Vacuum bags work by removing air from freezer storage bags. You simply place your food in the freezer bag, seal the bag, and use the vacuum tool to air from the bag. Removing excess air cuts down on freezer burn.

Several types of bags and vacuum devices exist, ranging from inexpensive hand pumps to large models for bulk freezing. One of the most popular options is an economically priced, hand-held vacuum sealer which removes air from the specially designed food bags. To purchase a manual or electric vacuum pump and bags, shop online or visit major grocery stores and mass retailers. The average cost of a kit is very affordable and refills of quart or gallon size bags are available.

My Links : Fridge Freezers

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Time to Bedazzle Even the Outdoors - Beautiful Garden Arbors

Sometimes you pass by an enticing bungalow or an elegant but classy dwelling which allures you to peep in to the campus but once you notice the unkept garden it repels you back to your elementary path. That's how one feels when he/she notices your garden. When you enter a dwelling, the garden is the first place which reflects the style and taste of the inmates of the household and leaves that first impression kind of effect, and therefore it's imperative that your garden leaves that bewitching footprint on the mind of the observer which keeps zooming in his conscious again and again.

There are various peculiar ways of decorating your garden and breathing life force in it. The conventional way involves formulating a beautiful nursery with heterogeneous varieties of herbs and shrubs, ornamental plants and flowering plants whose very fragrance enchants the observer and imparts a temperament which is as fresh and elegant as the flowers and their aroma in the garden.

Oh the other hand the contemporary approach accompanies both the traditional and the modern touch to your greenhouse. Garden arbors and arches in your garden will inspire beauty as well as simplicity using classic design that speaks to superb taste. These arbors can serve as shelter to those small and cozy sitting areas where you can sit in the evenings with your family members and have the engaging gossiping sessions with a cup of tea or coffee.

Your garden is the witness to your child's complete childhood plays, the hide and seek in the bushes, the small family hosted dinners and evenings, the wonderful gossiping tea parties with your neighbors or colleagues and therefore deserves that similar special care with which you design your indoors. So that reason, the use of beautiful garden arbors is the primary step in designing your garden.

The arbors that you choose can be of Vinyl which in comparison to wood is easy to maintain and in countenance is equally captivating. Vinyl arbors serve the purpose satisfactorily and the best part is that it has a longer durability and practically no cost on maintenance etc.

The pottering in the shed, the basking in the warm sunshine and the reading and relaxing in the garden cultivates that calmness and peace in your mind and provides that much awaited space of tranquility in this fast track city life where the growing vexations and frustrations of your professional and personal life keep you stressed all the time.

See Also : Wood Wick Candles

Friday, August 13, 2010

Smelly Refrigerator - Some Great Tips to Clean It

A refrigerator is an appliance that has important function in your house. It keeps your food and drink fresh. This will be very great thing that you can have so that you can serve healthy food and drink for your family. But, if your refrigerator turns to become a smelly refrigerator, this will be very bad for you and your family.

A smelly refrigerator will make the food inside it quite unhealthy. This is not good thing if you serve food that is unhealthy for your family. Thus, you should clean your smelly refrigerator so that you will have healthy food and a nice look and smell of refrigerator. You will also have fresh food in your refrigerator. For this, there are some things that you should do to clean your smelly refrigerator.

The first thing that you should do is to check the control knob of the temperature and the light bulb. You have to make sure that they are off before starting cleaning the refrigerator. You have to unplug this appliance during the cleaning process.

The second thing that you should do is to make the refrigerator empty. You have to remove all food and drinks inside it. And then, you must also remove all parts of the refrigerator that include wire racks, shelves and drawers. To keep the food and drinks that you have removed from the refrigerator in a cooler if you do not have another refrigerator. In this process, throw the foods that have been expired, spoiled and moldy. You should also throw the foods that you do not eat for over a month. These types of foods can create bad smell in a refrigerator.

The third thing that you should do is to start cleaning the wire racks, shelves and drawers. You can wash those parts of refrigerator by using a cloth or a sponge. In this case, you should use dish soap and warm water. After you clean them, allow them to dry on a newspaper or dish rack. After that, you should clean the smelly refrigerator with a solution of warm water and 2 spoons of baking soda. Make sure that you clean all parts of the refrigerator and the outside part of this appliance with this solution using cloth or sponge and rinse it with paper towels.

The next thing that you should do is to remove the drip pan. You have to be sure that that the drip is perfectly dried before putting it back to the refrigerator. You should also clean the condenser coils if you find them dusty. You can do this by using a vacuum.

After you have done those things, you can plug the refrigerator. Turn on its light bulb and temperature control knob and do the desired settings to your refrigerator. After that, put back all parts of refrigerator that you have cleaned. After all the drawers, shelves, and wire racks are put in the refrigerator, put the foods and drinks that you want to keep in this refrigerator.

My Links : Wall Graphic

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Clean Air in Your Home - It's Easy to Keep Your Vacuum Cleaner Working Like New

Vacuum manufacturers offer a wide variety of models and styles with prices ranging from under $50 to over $1000. No matter what brand or model you own, your machine's cleaning performance will degrade over time. There are several reasons for the drop in performance and each will be discussed along with the remedy.

Nearly all vacuums have a rotating brush called brushroll or beater bar. As the brushroll spins, it agitates the carpet. This action not only sweeps the carpet, but also vibrates the carpet which shakes dirt free allowing it to be vacuumed up. With use, the bristles of the brushroll wear down becoming shorter, and may reach the point where they no longer make contact with the carpet at all. The brushroll bearings will eventually wear out as well. For best results, replace your machine's brushroll each year or when it becomes obviously worn. Consult your owner's manual for instructions.

Brushrolls are most often driven by a belt, and belts are also subject to wear. A worn belt can slip, resulting in a loss of power to the brushroll. The brushroll may stop spinning entirely. Belts are typically quite inexpensive and easy to replace. It is a good idea to keep a spare. Your owner's manual will have details.

The vacuum's bag or filter(s) are another potential cause of performance loss. Even bagless vacuums have one or more filters which must be cleaned or replaced (depending on the type) in order to maintain a proper level of suction. Poor suction results in poor cleaning and can also cause the vacuum to overheat.

Keep your vacuum in shape by replacing these parts yourself or by visiting your local vacuum repair professional. You'll be rewarded with a cleaner home and healthier air for your family.

Friends Link : Bamboo Towels Hot Glue Gun

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Asthma, Allergy And Vacuum Cleaning

Now, at the beginning of 21st century every 4th person in Europe is allergic and every 6th suffers from some form of asthma.

Allergies (allergic rhinitis, bronchitis, eczema, conjuctivitis) usually have one common trigger which is the contact of the person with the allergens (dust mite excrements, pollen, mildew).

Who (what) is to blame?

Sure, the general pollution of the environment is the first and major reason (allergies are considered the civilization deseases and the pollution comes hand in hand with the civilization development) but we can also blame our life-style.

Nowadys, people spend 80% and more of their time inside (their flat, office, restaurant, tube). For our body the (in terms of allergies) most dangerous are the smallest particles (viruses, scigarettes smoke, mite droppings) which circulate in the air and are inhaled (and in such closed spaces like flat/office/tube you exhale them and other people inhale them and vice versa).
And also the average temperature in our buildings increased over the last 30 years by 4-5 Celsius degrees offering great living conditions for mites or bacteria.

Wet or dry vacuum cleaning?

In the 1990s, the wet vacuum cleaner producers came with the idea to win the battle with the dry vacuum cleaner producers persuading people that the dry vacuums are unable to catch as much microscopic particles causing allergies as the wet vac cleaners.
It seemed logical for people. The wet vacuum cleaner sucks in the dust and the water catches and separates it. But the experimets have shown that the ,,truth is out there" and what works for larger particles doesn´t work for the smallest ones. Simply, the allergens were circulating in the air in the same amounts no matter if it was before or after the wet vacuuming.

So tell me - wet or dry?!

I - really - am not depreciating the abilities of the wet vacuum cleaner, I only state that water filter is not sufficient if it is the only filter your vacuum cleaner has. If you have a wet vacuum with the additional filters like HEPA, they probably do a great job and you do not have to change them for anything else.

I am allergic, so what vacuum cleaner should I buy?

In my opinion, the one that has Gore-Tex or multi-layer HEPA filter - no matter if dry or wet.
They both (Gore-Tex and multiple HEPAs) are able to catch 99,99% of the loose dust particles and allergens.

To keep your flat clean it is necessary to vaccum it 3-4 times weekly (or 30-40 times if you have small children, let´s say 2-5 years old - I am joking, of course), not only the carpets and floors but also the beds, linen and furniture.
It is also recommended to get rid of heavy, old curtains, drapery as well as grand-ma´s teddy bears or other plush toys.
The buildings should not be over-heated and over-humidified

Standard flat inner temperature should not exceed 21 Celsius degrees during the days and 19 Celsiuses is enough for nights.

The average humidity should not exceed 50% and it is recommended to ventilate the room at least 2 times daily, in the morning and in the evening (take another sweater or glass of whisky - or both - and open all windows fully for at least 15 minutes).

If you have an allergic person in your household you should seriously consider the chance of buying an air purifier (not the humidifier, it only humidifies the air without cleaning it).
With their performance and low noisiness they are much more effective than the wet vacuum cleaners.

Recommend : Bamboo Towels Metering Pump

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Central Vacuum Installation Is Possible in Small Spaces

There is no doubt that a central vacuum system is the cleanest, most convenient way to vacuum your home and improve indoor air quality. However, often people give up before they even start because they believe an install is impossible in their existing home. This is usually not true. Consider the true story of John Q. Do-It-Yourselfer.(Some of the names have been changed to protect the handy)

John Q, talented handyman. was completing the installation of an intercom system in his own home. While picking up parts he needed from a local supplier, he inquired about other projects he could take on, like any respectable do-it-yourselfer would. In particular, John was wondering if he could install a central vacuum system in a home with a flat roof and only enough room to lower a mere 12-18 inches of tube at a time? He really wanted to install a central vacuum system and was willing to go to extraordinary lengths to get the job done. Luckily for John, he spoke with Brad Prince, a seasoned expert, who assured him this could be accomplished with a little ingenuity and more than a little sweat.

Brad had been on many central vacuum system installs that put him in the same situation John was facing. He recalled jobs where his co-worker, Gary Lamb, had been in spaces so tight it seemed humanly impossible to fit, but he did, earning him the coveted title of "attic rat". Being willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done is necessary in the central vacuum installation business, and now this attitude was going to help John Q. Do-It-Yourselfer get his job done, too!

Brad shared with John Q. his proven method for tight central vacuum installations.

You must adjust your position to be able reach the location with the tools and materials.

Drill a 2-9/16" hole, best done with a "Plumbers Kit" right angle drill motor.

At the first piece of tube, tuck 4-6" of 2 conductor wire into the tube end. Two inches past that, wrap wire against the tube with a cable tie. At the top of the tube, in front of the stop coupler, place another cable tie. This will hold the tube in a position that will enable you to pull it back up through the hole if the tube and coupler fall past the hole opening. (This infuriating situation can be a real setback if the above technique is not followed.)

Once the length of tubing and wire are lowered to the inlet opening, the connection to the mounting bracket and faceplate can be made. Having an extra person to assist you in this task will speed the process.

With this priceless information in hand, John Q. Do-It-Yourselfer left the store that day equipped to install the central vacuum system he has always dreamed of. If you plan a central vacuum installation in a tight space you might want to consider getting in shape and doing some stretches first! Then, and probably most importantly, look for an online company that offers free technical advice. With patience, good online instructions, quality products, and great experts to offer you tech support, even if your space is tight, you can install a central vacuum system in your home.

Friends Link : Welcome to Kettles Store. Candle Chandelier Thermal Transfer Labels

Monday, August 9, 2010

Mulchers and Lawn Products

Mulchers are gardening tools that crush organic materials from your garden, farm or lawn. These natural and healthy waste or mulch, as it is called, can be the leaves, branches, vines and grass. You can save money because this compost pile can be a good fertilizer for your vegetable garden, farm, lawn or backyard. There are several types of mulchers in the market today. You can hand-pick one that is most suitable for your needs. Larger mulchers are those that can be mounted to a truck. For a smaller garden, the 7.7 kg type could already be sufficient. This gardening machine is attached to tractors or lawn mowers. Although there are some stand alone units you can use for mulch production.

Portable mulchers that are funnel-shaped and made of plastic can work well in various areas of the garden or the lawn. This type of mulcher also has a rotating blade which is designed to make grinding and spreading of the mulch easier. You can also adjust the mulcher depending on the model. You can make the mulch coarser or finer according to your gardening needs. Using this gardening tool can reduce the quantity of your organic waste to as much as 20 percent. Looking at the bigger picture, by using this tool you are able to help the environment by reducing the waste in landfills and in return you are able to make your garden or farm healthier.

You can check out local store in the area or better yet, you can check online for available mulchers. Most of the websites will provide you all the details that you need as well as the mode of payment plus the shipping and handling guidelines. You'll then have a trouble-free shopping.

How are mulchers used? Make sure that the grass or the lawn is dry before starting. Wet grass might get stuck and accumulate on the deck of the mulcher. If wet grass collects it is harder for the machine to work efficiently add to that is the fact that when it's time to drop off the mulch and they're wet, it will be unhealthy for the lawn. If there's a heavy rain and you really had to do the moving, collect the mulch and put them inside a sack or a bag. Let it dry, and you can use the dried mulch for compost piling, these will give your vegetable garden, trees or shrubs an increase in their much needed nitrogen. Remember that if you keep your farm or garden mulched, once a week advisably, it will prevent erosion. Anyhow, there will be specifications and special instructions so you don't have to worry. Just be sure to follow the manual and you'll be sure that you're gardening machines will function well and last long. Also, you are assured that your garden is healthy and well-maintained.

A well-kept garden or surroundings will definitely reflect what kind of person you are. So if you want other people to see you as someone with a sense of responsibility, you can start showing that characteristic to them by keeping your surroundings clean and orderly.

See Also : Commercial Heaters Stand Mixers Store. LOWER Prices in The Same Item

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Can Outdoor Patio Lighting Really Help Your Home Value?

Outdoor patio lighting is of utmost necessity. Apart from making your house look elegant in the dark it has another crucial task. It keeps your property safe from thieves and other miscreants. Also using outdoor patio lighting you can cleverly highlight some incredible landscape features that are works of art which demand appreciation. Moreover if you have an elaborate garden then lighting is of paramount importance. It will protect you from insects and reptiles as you might be caught unawares and get bitten. Even the possibility of tripping over a sapling and hurting yourself is minimized without doubt. Remember a patio without proper light engulfed in darkness is detrimental psychologically as well. Don't we all love to come back to our sweet cozy abodes flooded with the light?

Therefore providing proper lighting to the dark corner that serve as hiding places for those who wish ill to you becomes an must do task. Also you do not require electricians to do outdoor patio lighting. You can light up the fringes of the patio with low voltage lighting that are easily available from any electrical shop. The installation process is also quite simple. You can get them installed with little effort. There are however few dos and don'ts. Never cover your plants with mini tube lights. Just don't pick any yard lights because they are the cheapest or because they have looks to die for. Mostly you will be dismayed with their performances. If you want durable, sturdy, water resistant lights for outdoor patio lighting then you must spend some time probing about the best products that might live up to your expectations. Also do not make your garden look like a parking area by lighting the entire garden area with powerful flood lights. Your garden will lose its charm instantly. Create lighting contrasts that make your garden look adorable.

In the modern days internet plays a role in nearly everything. Internet thus will provide you with some pertinent information about the range of lights available in the market, their designs, caliber, and their price. Now these sites will also try to convince you to purchase some of their products online and this is done mainly through discounts and offers that are too tempting to resist. Though some stay true to the promises most fail and therefore you must be cautious.

However, if you find yourself confused with the options then consulting a landscape expert will be prudent. Proper guidance from such experts will help you make the right choices for outdoor patio lighting. To light up stairways you can use area lights, capped lights are used mostly to decks and pool sides and to highlight plants use up lighting. Also if you are making the arrangements yourself, ask your electricians to create power outlets.

While selecting lights for the outdoor patio lighting make sure that the lights are water resistant. This will ensure that you patio will remain properly lighted even if it rains or snows. The strength of the lights must be considered before making a purchase.

Friends Link : Rubber Roof Outdoor Candle

Friday, August 6, 2010

Garden Leaf Sweepers for Lawns, Paths and Borders - Which One for Your Garden?

Why remove leaves from the lawn?

Although heaps of crispy leaves are lovely to scuffle through when out for a walk, they are less welcome on the lawn.

Why? Because the grass suffers and may even die if the layers of leaves are not removed. A dense smothering blanket of leaves blocks the light and air, especially once the leaves become sodden with rain.

What to do with the leaves?

Fortunately, the chore of leaf sweeping is well worth the effort for the resultant leaf mould.

Just bag up the leaves, or pile them up within a wire netting enclosure (jump up and down on them to make more space), and two years later you'll have dark crumbly leaf mould for mulching around plants and improving the soil -- all for free.

What are the best tools for clearing up leaves?

A rotary mower

If your mower is a rotary with a grassbag, then you can easily use this to vacuum up leaves. They'll be chopped up by the blades too, to aid composting. However, if the ground is soft, you can end up making quite a mess.

Hand tools

If you only have a small garden, then a sweeping brush for the hard surfaces and a rake for the lawn should be sufficient.

Choose your rake carefully. The ideal leaf rake shouldn't dig into the lawn like a scarifying rake, but instead glide over the surface, containing the leaves within its curved shape so that you can gradually accumulate a heap. Most hand tool companies include these in their range -- choose tough wire or rubbery tines for longevity and expect to pay from around £15.

Then comes the problem of transferring the leaves to barrow or bag. The traditional two boards are fine for moving wodges of leaves, but if you don't like bending, a long-handled leaf grab (with plastic or metal blades from around £13-20) may suit you better.

Mechanical sweepers

A mechanical lawn sweeper collects leaves and other debris, so is a good choice for large lawns. As you push the sweeper along, its wide brush whirls the leaves off the lawn and into the collector. The working height is adjustable for use on paving or lawns, but don't be tempted to use one on gravel, because the brush picks this up and throws it facewards. For this reason, goggles are a sensible precaution if there's any chance of grit, stones or other small projectiles (eg acorns) lying on the lawn.

Sweepers are usually around 60cm or more wide (from around £100), but not widely stocked due to limited demand. There are also towable versions to go behind your garden tractor or ride-on. Look for both types on one of the online garden equipment sites.

A garden vacuum or blower

A much noisier but easier method of clearing lawns is to use a powered blower, garden vac, or both.

Battery, mains or petrol-engined hand-held blowers (to take the weight, most have a shoulder strap; some have wheels on the nozzle) and 4-wheeled blowers (from around £80) are useful for clearing large lawns and paving in broad sweeps, driving the leaves into a heap which is simple but time-consuming to move with a leaf grab.

It's speedier to suck up the leaf pile with a garden vacuum. The vacuuming process shreds the leaves a little, so they take up less space and rot down faster than whole leaves. Some blowers convert to vacuums, saving you the expense of buying two machines, but find out how easy it is to convert from one mode to another. Some have to have to be partly dismantled and reassembled, but Flymo's Gardenvac, for example, is simple to switch modes with a lever. Hand-held petrol-engined blower/vacs cost from around £90 and are made by a number of companies, which you'll see if you go to one of the online garden equipment web sites.

If contemplating clearing very large areas of lawn and other flat surfaces, then a wheeled leaf and litter vac is much easier to use. You might track down a mains electric version, but petrol-engined machines are more common and widely available from groundsman's suppliers and online (costing from around £450). Most have an optional extra wander hose (from around £100) for beds and borders inaccessible to the machine.

Useful links for sweepers and blowers

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