Saturday, October 9, 2010

Scarecrow Motion Sensor Sprinkler system - safe and humane ways to protect your garden and lawn

If you have problems with deer devastating your garden, or neighborhood dogs and very little (or big) presents on the lawn? Want a safe and painless way to ward off pests like that? A motion sensor sprinkler system is the solution. In this article I will show you how to work hard to protect. I would also show how the best price on a motion sprinkler scarecrow to get.

First, what is a motion sensor sprinkler system? The best example on the marketThe Scarecrow sprinkler system. It 'a very clever device. It works by surprise. Quite simply, this is a sprinkler attached to a motion sensor. Every time the detector is activated, the Scarecrow is activated a second jet of water 4 and bent your back yard or garden. The combination of sudden movement, noise and water spray is enough to scare an animal only as a guide .

In tests and reviews, the irrigation system Scarecrowhas proven highly effective in deterring intruders animals more during the night.

Here are some of the most popular uses for a sprinkler scarecrow.

Keep deer from your garden
As every gardener knows, the deer are hungry pests back night after night to devour your garden and landscape. Deer are particularly fond of roses, leafy vegetables, and tomato plants.

Some gardeners resort to install unsightly wires or electrified fences dangerous. Others useaggressive chemicals, spices and smelly manure. The Scarecrow sprinkler provides a safe and dignified.

Keep dogs off your lawn Leaving Presents
Do you have a neighborhood or stray dog mess often leaves on the lawn? One thing about dogs is that they are creatures of habit. If you are unlucky enough to choose your garden by a dog in the neighborhood, you know the problem is not going to go away.

The Scarecrow sprinklers will ensure days areand night and offer sweet memories that your lawn is no longer open for business.

Cats do not teach your cat bed
Cats and dogs have the same problem. They tend to see your freshly planted garden pots, flower, giant flowers as a personal litter boxes. If you have a problem with a cat wandering on your garden and leaving their calling cards, the Scarecrow sprinkler system can perfect a solution.

The Scarecrow motion detector sprinkler systemanimal is one of the safest and most effective deterrents available. It works on most animals, except those that are too small to trip the sensor. An exception should know about raccoons. Burly and raccoons are just stubborn enough to ignore the jets. Besides raccoons, I have seen off all kinds of animals from cats, dogs, crows, door to door salesmen, and even bears.

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