Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What dog fur and coffee have in common? Compost fertilizer

Gardeners across the country are mixing something special to increase their productivity and minimize waste going to landfills. Composting is the term used to define natural attenuation processes occurring in "black gold" compost. Compost is the product of many weeks of decaying plant material that can be used as a fertilizer and soil additive to be used for new growth to help reduce pests and diseases.

This article will educate the best things that need to beadded to your compost bin and what to avoid. The following list contains elements that many experts recommend as the best material for garden compost to create a great fertilizer for your new:

Cow or horse manure
A cardboard paper towel rolls or toilet paper
Used coffee filters
Used tea bags
Cotton wool or old towels
Dryer / vacuum Ribbon
Fireplace ashes
Vegetables and fruit (orange or banana peels, applecore)
Clippings and small branches
Straw or hay
Tree and Leaf Bush
Peanut hulls
Shredded newspaper
Wood chips or sawdust
Stagnant water
Weeds that do not sow

This list of items includes items that should not be added to your compost heap or bin. These objects can be undesirable results and should be avoided:

These items can cause problems and damage other plants:

No black walnut leavesand twigs
No coal or coal ash

Their use in the compost bin can cause problems with smell and attract pests such as rodents and flies

No dairy products like butter, egg yolks and milk
No animal fats, grease, lard and cooking oil
No, chicken or fish
No animal bones

Do not Do not add diseased or insect infested plants that were against the process of degradation. If they survive, disease or insects are transferred toother plants

Do not add cat or dog waste or litter may contain parasites, bacteria, germs, viruses and other pathogens that could be harmful to humans

Do not include materials of grass or a tree treated with chemicals or other pesticides. These chemicals can kill the organisms needed for decomposition. This, in turn, delay the process and prevent the compost to be excluded.

In summary, the composting process to be successful if the baserules and applying the most suitable materials to improve the decay of the material. The resulting compost can provide a rich soil mixture that you can add to your garden to produce more disease-free vegetables and fruits.

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